Use the power of your mind to change the way you eat for good!
Does any of this sound familiar?
You’ve tried everything – shakes, pills, fasting and every diet known to man, and you’re sick of being on that horrible “I’ll start tomorrow” cycle. Frustratingly, tomorrow comes and goes, and you’ve eaten all the wrong things again. By mid-week, you feel defeated because you’ve just sabotaged your efforts once again!
You’ve struggled with weight your whole life and you know what you should be doing, but you just can’t seem to do it!
You know there is something going on with your mind and you’re willing to try something different, something that has been working for people all over the world for hundreds of years….and that’s hypnosis.
Let me tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way and Virtual Gastric Banding could be the solution for you.
Did you know that the missing link to successful weight loss is being able to harness the power of your unconscious mind? Our emotions are the key drivers to our behaviour and they all dwell in the unconscious mind, and when we create sustainable behavioural changes in the way we think and feel, we can finally crack the weight loss code!
There are 3 key areas that contribute to weight loss success and long term weight management:
Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis™ for Weight loss, Eating Psychology Coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming will create the long term permanent changes that you need to sustain a healthy lifestyle.
We help you to create a Mindset for Success by using cutting edge Virtual Gastric Banding Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistics, so that you will quite literally see your body shrinking week by week. We will get rid of your biggest cravings, reduce your stress levels, let go of that nasty negative self-talk and give you the confidence to move through your day knowing that you can easily make healthy food and lifestyle choices.
Want to know more?
Book your free 30 minute call!
Paige made significant changes to her life and her future goals to achieve weight loss sucess
Hypnosis will NOT work for you if you answer yes to any of the below
Your success is determined by your ability to believe it is going to work and to take action and commit to food, movement and lifestyle changes.
The amount of weight and size lost is very individual and varies from person to person, and will be in direct proportion to committed action, and will also include positive changes around
I'm a fully qualified Eating Psychology
& MindBody Eating Coach, Hypnotherapist, Time Line Therapist©, NLP Master Practitioner and a writer who has been featured in publications like Thrive Global and the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.
We will work closely together to determine the deep structure of your food or weight issue.
Losing weight is not about calorie restrictions, and in fact, we don’t even count calories or put you on a diet!
My team and I are here to act as your mentor, guide and coach and we will give you all the tools you'll need to reach your goal safely and successfully!
Room 9, 98-100 Goodwood Rd
Goodwood, South Australia, 5034
0409 677 038
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